This item augments your outdoor lifestyle and complete your camping gear with this low cost but high quality forged metal spiral anchor. Secure small travel trailers, cabins, chicken coops, garages, small buildings, deer stands, fencing and fence ports, trees, vertical hammock stands, landscape items or outdoor covers in your backyard. Or carry these rugged and compact ground screw anchors to the beach or camping ground on your next trip. Multi-packs include torque bar and carrying sack.
- Mainly used in secure large marquess but also you can secure your pet when in the yard, garden, camping etc.
Chrome plated. - Suitable for multiple use, attach your pets cable to the tie and your dog will be securely confined to the length that you give with your cable.
- Used for camping and to anchor tent marquees or anything that needs secured into the ground.
- Simply screw into the ground as far as possible then attach your cable to the top of the anchor and it will securely hold in place.
- Used in Strong Earth that is not lose, not to be used in sand.
- Ground should be soft and it may be necessary to pre-soften area with water before installing
- Compatible with round or rectangle trampolines
- Recommended for any area that may experience occasional high-speed wind
Color: Silver
Material: iron
size: Length 40cm (16 inches)
Weight: 415g
Package includes:
4 Pcs Ground Anchor Wind Stake