Delivered to you with all passion and heart of ours, this product shall offer you the most excellent performance and never disappoint our customers when in use.
Just about everyone knows that if you have to smoke, it’s better to smoke outside rather than inside of your home. But not everyone always has that luxury.
Sometimes, it can be cold winter blizzards or torrential summer downpours that prevent smokers from stepping outside to light up. Other times, it simply may not make sense to get up and walk all of the way outside every single time that you want to have a smoke – especially in larger buildings and apartments.
As a result, many smokers are turning to smokeless ashtrays as a solution to the odors commonly associated with smoking indoors.
- 100% brand new products
- High-quality material allows the product to last a lifetime with proper care.
- Convenient, durable and practical.
- Easy to use and easy to install. Easy to clean
- Blue LED light is appealing to the eye.
- Color: Silver
Package Included:
1 x Car Ashtray